As our area of focus, regenerative medicine encompasses therapies and enabling technologies that augment, repair, replace, or regenerate organs, tissues, cells, genes, and metabolic processes in the body. These therapies and technologies have the potential to heal or replace tissues and organs damaged by age, disease, trauma, injury, or aberrant repair mechanisms, as well as correct congenital defects. Regenerative medicine aims to alter clinical practice by treating the root causes of disease as opposed to current clinical strategies that focus on symptomatic treatment.
We believe that breakthroughs in regenerative medicine will be critical to targeting the drivers of disease and accelerating underlying repair processes. Now is the ideal time to build the next generation of companies in this field. Recent developments and emerging trends support our perspective:
Our team’s long-standing work at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) and many relationships across the renowned Harvard affiliated hospitals give Eos a significant competitive advantage and access to the most promising science and technologies emerging from the institute’s laboratories. Our deep ties to HSCI and the entire Harvard ecosystem, and our team’s extensive work in the regenerative medicine field over more than 15 years, has enabled us to leverage a global network across top academic institutions and research centers around the world.
As our area of focus, regenerative medicine encompasses therapies and enabling technologies that augment, repair, replace, or regenerate organs, tissues, cells, genes, and metabolic processes in the body. These therapies and technologies have the potential to heal or replace tissues and organs damaged by age, disease, trauma, injury or aberrant repair mechanisms, as well as correct congenital defects. Regenerative Medicine aims to alter clinical practice by treating the root causes of disease as opposed to current clinical strategies that focus on symptomatic treatment.
We believe that breakthroughs in regenerative medicine will be critical to targeting the drivers of disease and accelerating underlying repair processes. Now is the ideal time to build the next generation of companies in this field. Recent developments and emerging trends support our perspective:
Our team’s long-standing work at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) and many relationships across the renowned Harvard affiliated hospitals give Eos a significant competitive advantage and access to the most promising science and technologies emerging from the institute’s laboratories. Our deep ties to HSCI and the entire Harvard ecosystem, and our team’s extensive work in the regenerative medicine field over more than 15 years, has enabled us to leverage a global network across top academic institutions and research centers around the world.